Murphy Rec Center
Philadelphia, PA
March 22nd, 2003
ROH Champion: Xavier (Since 9/21/2002 - 4 Defenses)
ROH Tag Team Champions: AJ Styles & Amazing Red (Since 3/15/2003 - 0 Defenses)
Show starts with a Corino pretape from Japan. He’s in the shower and we can only hear him. He says he’s 70,000 miles away and this is like a vacation to him. He tells Homicide he warned him not to mess with him. He also says he doesn’t care about him, Low Ki or the Prophecy. And if Daniels wants to cast the first stone, he dares him. I don’t know what the fuck the point of this was, and if I have to hear “cast the first stone” one more time I’m going to set my groin on fire.
Backstage, Special K party and do drugs. New member Mikey Whipwreck comes in and changes the music to hard rock and Special K doesn’t like that.
Elsewhere, the Prophecy cut another one of their typical promos, saying the same shit they’ve been saying for four months now. Why did the program with Corino start if it was just going to go into a fucking holding pattern for the first 90 days? I’m not even gonna recap it. Go read the previous review. It’s the same shit. Xavier hypes his defense against Joe. Daniels is defending the FWA Title against Doug Williams in a match that also has the #1 contd’rs trophy on the line and Daniels throws in a stip of allowing Doug to shake hands again if he wins. The camera “stops filming” and we see that the Prophecy are actually extremely nervous about their matches tonight.
Match #1: BJ Whitmer vs. Alex Arion vs. Dixie vs. Matt Stryker [Four Corner Survival]
One thing early ROH was good at was introducing people. This isn’t 2024, this is 2003 and it’s like why should I care about BJ or Stryker? You’re clearly getting behind them and pushing them but who are they? I dunno, I usually hate that argument but I feel like it holds merit here. Dixie is the sole bright spot here. Alex Arion is an actively bad wrestler and should be out of the business. BJ/Stryker were fine but they’re just bland Wrestling Guys. Whitmer catches Dixie on a high spot and hits him with the Wrist Clutch Exploder to get his first win in ROH.
When the cameras come back, Mikey Whipwreck is dressed like a troubadour and trying to make peace with SAT and Quiet Storm, but it’s a set up for Special K to attack them, and we have an “impromptu scramble match”.
Match #2: The SAT & Quiet Storm vs. Special K (Dixie, Deranged & Angel Dust)
This was a spot fest but a pretty bad one. The SAT definitely had me fooled because headed into this project and even at the very beginning of it, I didn’t think they were bad. But it turns out they’re fucking terrible. So is Quiet Storm but also who cares? No idea where Divine disappeared to lately. On the Special K side of things, they cheat a bunch. Angel Dust botches a lot and brings the match down further. However in an ironic receipt, the SAT almost accidentally murder him on a botched double team Wheelbarrow Cutter. Picks up towards the end with Izzy & Deranged breaking through. Brian XL & Hydro distract the ref and Mikey hits his former students with Whippersnappers and Izzy covers to get the win.
Post-match, Special K bring Slugga in to hit the BODYBAG on Quiet Storm. But then suddenly, another black gentleman in a suit, who’s like almost a foot taller than Slugga, comes through the crowd and gets in the ring to stare down Slugga. Special K pull Slugga away and they leave.
But off in the crowd as this is ending, the camera picks up from a distance Gabe coming from the back to talk to security and we see why: JULIUS SMOKES AND THEM HAVE ARRIVED! A big argument occurs, Smokes and the one security guard go face to face. The ref comes into the crowd to maintain order I guess. Gabe walks off. Not sure exactly what they were going for here as commentary didn’t address it at all.
Before the next match, commentary announces that the Backseat Boyz have signed with ROH and will be appearing here almost exclusively moving forward. Nice!
Match #3: Backseat Boyz vs. Dunn & Marcos
This was your typical “cocky heels don’t take comedy act seriously and it almost backfires” match but it was fun! Dunn & Marcos got to capitalize on the cockiness and get a few moves in and they played the comedy bits well. Backseat Boyz got to dominate and throw around the only team in ROH they probably physically could. T-Gimmick on Dunn down on top of Marcos and a double pin ends it.
Post-match, the Backseats cut a promo hyping up joining ROH full time and say they’re the best team in the world. The cameras follow them backstage where they run into Da Hit Squad who take umbrage with that and say they have to get through them.
Match #4: Christopher Daniels (c) vs. Doug Williams [FWA World Championship] [#1 Contd’rs Trophy]
Hopefully to the surprise of nobody, this ruled. Daniels was on his A-game maybe more than any other ROH match he’s had to date. He led Doug around with some early mind games and then sold like a million bucks when Doug got frustrated and just started throwing and dropping Daniels all around, really getting over the BRITWRES~ of it all. Doug gets a nice control segment early where he focuses everything he has on Daniels neck, and Daniels sells it incredibly well for the duration of the match. Every move he makes, every step he takes, Daniels is figuring out ways to incorporate the neck selling. So good. On the flip side, when Daniels regains control of the match and begins to work Williams over, his focus is drawn to Williams midsection. Doug’s selling or lack thereof left a lot to be desired I won’t lie. It wasn’t completely abandoned or sloppily overthought, it just either didn’t exist or when it did, it was kind of less than, if you will. Williams goes on a tear at the end, throwing every move in his arsenal at Daniels and focusing on the neck. And the strategy pays off as Doug wins with the Chaos Theory.
Williams will get his title shot on the 4/26 show. He won the belt and trophy, and has won back his right to observe the Code of Honor.
Post match, as Doug celebrates, he even reaches down and shakes a worn out Daniels hand just to add insult to injury.
Samoa Joe & CW Anderson make their way out with Simply Luscious. They immediately go over to the corner of the front row and start jawing at Julius Smokes who then proceeds to moon The Group, and it’s on! They start beating Smokes down and Smokes holds his own. The other thug is there too. Security goes to get involved, but just then also from the crowd, JACK VICTORY (HIGH SPOT!) AND GUILLOTINE LEGRAND SHOW UP AND ATTACK SMOKES AND THE OTHER GUY! They toss them over the guard rail and Victory hops over, and it’s 3 on 1 on Smokes. BUT THEN HOMICIDE & DHS RUN OUT, AND WE’VE GOT AN IMPROMPTU SIX MAN TAG.
Match #5: Homicide & Da Hit Squad vs. The Group (Samoa Joe, CW Anderson & Jack Victory)
If you’re counting at home, that’s two of the first five matches tonight that are being billed as impromptu. Gabe mentions on commentary that Julius Smokes & Co, he believes, have been removed from the building. This was just six men fighting for like 6-7 minutes but it RULED. CW gets pin balled around by DHS, DHS/Joe is a fun fight, Cide/Joe is good again, Victory is a menace mostly on the floor. Eventually, DHS brawl with Joe and Victory to the back. CW/Homicide actually have a really fun singles segment where CW does some arm work including a gnarly over the shoulder arm breaker that Cide sells so good. Homicide fights back and sends CW out of the ring. Meanwhile, Becky Bayless has snuck back into the building and started fighting with Luscious at ringside but Luscious beats the fuck out of her. Cide pulls Luscious in the ring by the hair and toys with her a bit, BEFORE PLANTING HER WITH A COP KILLA! CW blindsided Homicide and Victory comes back out with a trash can. CW hits an incredible looking spinebuster on Homicide onto the trash can and the ref calls for the DQ.
Post-match, CW & Victory continue the beatdown on Homicide. BUT THEN THE BACKDOORS OF THE REC CENTER FLING OPEN AND JULIUS SMOKES SHOWS BACK UP WITH THREE OTHER DUDES! THEY STORM THE RING AND RUSH THE GROUP OUT OF IT! ONE DUDE HAS A FUCKING MACHETE AND HE PIERCES THE TRASH CAN LID WITH IT. JESUS CHRIST. Smokes has a lead pipe and starts simulating BUKKAKE on all the security trying to get them to leave the ring. Finally, Cide’s gang help Homicide up and take him through the crowd, and through one of the rear exits of the building.
Not AS hot as the NYC riot, but streets ahead of the Boston stuff. Was a great time to watch. Hell yeah. MORE REAL WEAPONS IN WRESTLING. SOMEONE BRING A GUN TO THE RING.
During intermission, GMC interviews Doug Williams backstage. Young Doug Williams speaks the peasants English. It’s off putting. He hypes up his world title shot on 4/26.
It’s set to be Carnage Crew vs. Christopher Street but Mace says Buff E cant wrestle tonight because his asshole hurts too much so he found a replacement AND IT’S HOTSTUFF HERNANDEZ.
Match #6: Carnage Crew vs. Mace & Hotstuff Hernandez
At least this makes sense because the Crew are feuding with the TWA b team as well as the CSC gang. This got seven minutes. I’m not sure it needed that. But whatever. Mace does his schtick which gets old quick. But this is a near star making performance for Hernandez. He beats the fuck out of the Crew who sell like death. He throws a great lariat, catches DeVito off the top and flips him up into a beautiful spiral bomb, and then whips out his AWESOME dive over the top rope:
But as Hernandez celebrates this a lil too much, the ref gets distracted by Loc and DeVito drops Hernandez down onto the fence railing and crushes it completely, and then he wraps a chair around Hernandez’s skull and it makes a nasty thud. With Hernandez out of commission now, the Crew do a quick beatdown on Mace and then put him away with the Super Spike Piledriver.
Post-match, the Crew keep the beatdown on Mace going. Buff E gets in and makes the save by kissing Loc and lariating DeVito. Hernandez gets back in to run the heels off too. Then Buff W gives Mace mouth to mouth.
Match #7: AJ Styles & Amazing Red (c) vs. The Briscoes [ROH Tag Team Championships]
Wow! Excuse the lame pun but this was PHENOMENAL. It felt like I was watching the blueprint for the entire modern industry being fully fleshed out in this match after being teased and developed over the last year. AJ in 2003 is just on a different level. He got “there” before any of his contemporaries. Like if WWE wasn’t a weird pile of shit company, AJ would’ve already been on Smackdown by this point on his way toward the main event scene. There is a legitimate argument he may even be a BITW candidate at this point but enough gushing. GREAT story here too. It’s the Briscoes first time tagging in ROH (and maybe ever? But I doubt that). And while they’re both really good, in kayfabe, they don’t have that chemistry developed just yet. They’re able to beat on Red simply because of the size differential but they’re literally no match for Styles when he’s in the ring. Additionally, because of Red/Jay tagging a few times, Red knows Jay’s most every step and it allows him to avoid really damaging shit from the Briscoes at pivotal points. AJ gets a hot tag and goes absolutely bonkers with a slough of offense. Red makes his comeback as the match breaks down into the finishing run. Legit had no idea til this moment that Red had long hair as he shakes it loose. Red stops Jay climbing up with a crazy kick and then A SUPER CODE RED:
On the other side, Mark finally shuts AJ down and goes up to the middle rope himself. BUT RED RUSHES OVER AND:
There was some slight sloppiness earlier on in the match, and I think the overall story loses focus a bit here and there, but other than that, this is near perfect.
Match #8: Low Ki vs. Jody Fleisch
Jody has definitely grown on me since his first ROH match. I guess that means that Jonny Storm just really fucking sucks because every match Fleisch has been in since then has been good to great. Ki is awesome as usual. They really make this feel like a big deal and the crowd takes the bait hook line and sinker. They work a similar style that the Ki/Red match was although not as insane, and thus, not as great. It’s also a bit too long. Could’ve trimmed a few mins out of the middle. The bulk of the match has some just really insane acrobatic type maneuvers. No real focus on working a body part or anything which is fine. I do like the little story they had where Ki beat the fuck out of all of the Special K guys a week ago, but this isn’t just some random Special K guy. And once he figures that out and has completed the feeling out process, it allows him to dominate. They have a battle on the very top rope standing AND ALMOST SLIP AND FALL, but Ki legit probably saves both their lives by rebalancing them both. Ki hits some shitty looking Kawada kicks on Jody on the top rope AND THEN HITS A SUPER KI KRUSHER:
Gabe drops a terrific line how Ki just saved Jody’s life when they were up top but then probably ended Jody’s career on the way down. Ki covers to get the win.
Backstage, Special K revive Jody Fleisch with drugs and rejoins the rave.
Punk & Steel come out before the next match. Punk cuts basically the same promo he cut in Boston sans the “Raven’s not here” stuff. And it’s all great.
RAVEN COMES OUT THIS TIME TO “KEEP EM SEPARATED” FUCK YEAH. Hearing that on a shitty sound system in a shitty indie venue warmed my ECW-mutant heart. Raven cuts a promo with some shitty little gay jokes before egging Punk to make this tag match Raven’s rules again. Punk agrees to it because he’s already beaten Raven in his own match again. He then dresses down Colt saying he should be ashamed of himself for aligning with a man like Raven to fight his own trainer, Ace Steel. But we all know that Colt isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, Punk says. He also shares a bank account with his mother but we’ll get to that in about 19.5 years.
Match #9: CM Punk & Ace Steel vs. Raven & Colt Cabana
This wasn’t great. It wasn’t terrible but it wasn’t great. Felt like a lesser version of even a WWE style hardcore match from the same time period. Some fun spots like Raven re-doing the Riggs drop toe hold on Punk and Raven hitting a pretty decent suicide dive. But this match is really just here to set up the post match angle I suppose. We’ll get to that. Cabana goes to moonsault onto everyone from the top rope but when he lands he immediately grabs his knee and lets out this hilarious pre-pubescent, full throated scream. Back in the ring, it’s 2 on 1 on Raven. They see him up on a table and Punk goes to leg drop him through it but Raven moves and Punk lands hard. Raven fights off Steel and hits him with the Evenflow (I will never call it the Raven Effect) to get the win.
Post-match, Raven calls for the mic. He goes over and shakes a KO’d Ace Steel’s hand and then demands Punk shake his hand. Gabe clarifies that this match was Raven’s Rules so there is no code of honor requirement. But Raven wants Punk to shake his hand since Raven shook his last week after he won. Punk flips Raven off and rolls to the floor. Raven says Punk needs to take what’s coming to him like a man. Punk refuses. So Raven lifts Steel back up and threatens to DDT him again. Punk still refuses, so Raven DDTs Steel again. Cabana is back up and limping in the ring while Raven keeps giving Punk a chance to come in, and when he doesn’t, he assaults Steel some more. Punk starts yelling at Colt from the floor that HE needs to do something, and asking HOW Cabana could let him do this. Complete gaslighting job, I love it. Cabana goes over to try and talk sense into Raven, and it creates an opening for Punk to run back in and Pearl Harbor Raven from behind. He beats him down viciously and Cabana looks conflicted. Punk yells at Colt some more, asking how he could let Raven do that to his trainer, and saying how he’s supposed to be Colt’s best friend. He even drops a “WHAT ABOUT ME? WHAT ABOUT CM PUNK?” And something snaps in Colt — AND HE JOINS IN ON THE BEATDOWN OF RAVEN! They bring a chair in and do a super stiff version of the Riggs drop toe hold spot and Raven rolls around in pain. Cabana grabs the mic and tells the crowd that Ace Steel was his trainer and CM Punk is his best friend, and Punk is right, Raven’s nothing but a has been. Punk & carry Steel to the back to a chorus of boos. Cabana being completely gaslit meathead who’s easily emotionally manipulated is a nice touch to his character I honestly didn’t expect. Before I started this, I always just assumed Cabana was the “I know Punks an asshole but he’s my asshole” type where maybe their character disposition and alignment didn’t always match up, but they were still friends. Sort of like Sting & Lex in ‘95-‘96. Glad I was wrong.
Backstage, Homicide has re-entered the building apparently. He says at the next ROH show, there’s going to be a Bunkhouse Riot match. The entire Group is invited to bring whoever, because he’s bringing the streets with him, AND, he’s got a special guest — the king of the bunkhouse, THE AMERICAN DREAM DUSTY RHODES. He says that they’re going to whoop on the Group TEXAS style. The camera pulls back and we see that Julius Smokes is standing there too. MY FLESH MY FLESH MY BLOOD MY BLOOD. BBBDAAT. He says CW Anderson is a cornball and ain’t the real deal, his arms too short to box with God. They don’t want no beef. Low Ki walks up and asks Smokes what the hell he’s doing here. Smokes laughs him off and says Ki forgot where he came from. Homicide tells Ki that he’s been busy with his own thing and he respects that, but this issue he’s got with Corino is personal and he needed the streets to back him up. Ki angrily tells Smokes he remembers where he came from, but it doesn’t belong here in Ring of Honor. Homicide calms them both down and Ki tells Homicide to handle this. Smokes again clowns on Ki as he leaves.
Joe comes out for the main event selling the effects of the six man tag earlier. Xavier comes out and he’s got both Daniels and Allison Danger with him. They do the ring introductions and Gabe again brags about how “hated” Xavier is by the fans, the internet and the sheet writers, completely missing the point that it’s the wrong kind of hate he was looking for there, torpedoing this man’s career in the process.
Anyway, Joe offers a handshake to Xavier and Xavier teases it but then puts his hand down his pants and fondles himself. Very nasty. The camera cuts to Daniels and Danger watching on the floor — BUT MICHAEL SHANE ANS CW ANDERSON ARE BEHIND THEM! XAVIER POINTS IT OUT, AND SHANE SUPERKICKS DANIELS! THE FIRST STONE HAS BEEN CAST! CW punches Danger in the face and carries her to the back while Shane beats on Daniels to the back. Joe attacks Xavier in the ring and the match is on.
Match #10: Xavier (c) vs. Samoa Joe [ROH Championship]
Samoa Joe in long tights is really off putting. Anyway. Hell yeah. Joe sells the shoulder/neck, Xavier is selling the concussion from last week, so they’ve both got a weakness coming in. Joe strikes early but it’s actually Xavier that gets most of the offense in and has Joe reeling the more he works on that shoulder/neck, including a really good tope tornado DDT on the floor. Xavier gets a lot of near falls but can’t finish. Joe hulks up and starts no selling Xavier’s chops. Joe downs Xavier, hits those MASSIVE knees to the head and locks on the Choke and that’s it! Honestly this was the best possible ending to Xavier’s reign. Most of his matches were way too long and tried to make him something he simply wasn’t. I was ready to call the outrage over his reign off when this review first started because his stuff with Guido and Scoot wasn’t half bad. But then they have him change himself up completely and try to work as a top guy in a company that currently employs some of the best in the world, and it was never going to be even remotely believable or entertaining. I do *get* what Gabe was attempting with this reign. I think he just picked the absolute wrong guy to do it with. Hindsight is 20/20 and none of this matters now, but it probably would’ve been more effective with Daniels being the champ and running roughshod. But I also get, to an extent, why that didn’t happen. Regardless, we’re here. Samoa Joe is champ, the Reign has begun, and so has what many call the best run of ROH’s existence. To put it in mutant equivalence, ROH 2002 = ECW 1995. Samoa Joe winning the belt starts the same type of run ECW goes on once Raven wins the belt. And probably winds up being way more important, too.
Post-match, big celebration for Joe. He sarcastically shakes the KO’d Xavier’s hand. He then even goes around the ring and slaps hands with the fans. The crowd then does the first (to my recollection) chant of JOE! JOE! JOE! JOE! JOE!
Backstage, Raven’s sat in a dark corner. He talks about how bad he wanted to hit Punk with the Evenflow. He needs that to happen. He did it to Steel a bunch but that didn’t make him feel anything. He figured Punk would grow balls and save his trainer, but no. Another sneak attack. And what really pisses him off is that he got one upped when Cabana turned on him. But that’s alright, he doesn’t mean taking a few shots in exchanging for getting one off himself. He leaves his status at the next few ROH shows ambiguous: maybe he’ll be there, maybe he’ll only be there in spirit, maybe he’ll be there but waiting in the weeds, or maybe he won’t be there at all. But now Punk has to live with that paranoia, knowing that at any second, the Raven Effect could hit. Nothing worse than knowing it’s out there and there’s nothing you can do about it. Welcome to Raven’s Clockwork Orange House of Fun. Quoth the Raven…Nevermore.
Elsewhere, Christopher Daniels cuts a promo. He recaps the worst week in Prophecy history, with how they lost the tag titles last week, and then tonight lost the FWA and ROH Titles. And now to top it off, he just found out Xavier suffered another concussion and is going to be out for some time. And in a classic example of kicking a man when he’s down, Steve Corino finally fires the first shot in their war. But it wasn’t even Corino that did it, he sent a foot soldier like Michael Shane to do his bidding. Steve can call that strategy, but he calls it cowardice. He says that the future is wide open for the Prophecy. He’s going to make his own run towards Samoa Joe and the ROH Title. And when Donovan Morgan returns from Japan (yeah about you question where he’s been lately, dummy?) they’ll take back the ROH Tag Titles. And, you never know when the Prophecy may grow by just one member. And now on top of everything, he has this personal issue now. An issue that starts with Michael Shane, and ends with Steve Corino. But he’s looking to the future. Because that which does not kill you, makes you stronger. And the Prophecy is alive, and will be stronger than ever.
In another promo from Japan, Steve Corino’s online and reading the results from that nights ROH show. He says he knows what Homicide’s doing. He’s strong style, big wrestler, big man — he hits his finish on a woman? He’s exactly what Corino thought he was: no class. When Corino returns to ROH, he’s got two words for Homicide: “Dare me.”
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