Saturday, February 17, 2024



Murphy Rec Center
Philadelphia, PA
November 9th, 2002

ROH Champion: Xavier (Since 9/21/2002 - 0 Defenses)
ROH Tag Team Champions: The Prophecy (Since 9/21/2002 - 0 Defenses)

EARLIER TODAY: Steve Corino approaches Low Ki backstage and says the head of Zero-One wants them to team tonight to take on Masato Tanaka & Ohtani (my god). Low Ki is shocked and honored. Homicide is here as well and tells Corino he’s got some nerve being here right now. They argue about what happened last show and Homicide threatens him. Low Ki breaks it up and says he and Cide are focused on the tag titles but he’ll see Corino later.  

Match #1: Da Hit Squad vs. Special K [Dixie & Joey Matthews] vs. Divine Storm vs. The SAT’s [Tag Team Scramble]
So with no real explanation other than the brief segment that happened last show, Joey Matthews has joined Special K and replaced Izzy tonight, who’s injured. This was what you’d expect. A lot of average spots and attempts for everyone to get their shit in. They do a tower of doom spot that isn’t horrible but it’s not great. Finish comes when SAT do a buckle bomb on Storm causing Dixie to get crotched on the top rope and from there they hit Dixie with the Spanish Fly to win.

Backstage, the Prophecy cut an interview. Daniels puts himself over and then Morgan over as the top team in ROH. He then puts over Simply Luscious as the smartest and sexiest woman in ROH and Luscious talks smack to Alexis Laree and then shits on any male fans pining for her since she’s already spoken for by the hottest man in ROH — Steve Corino. Daniels says enough about that and moves on to putting over Xavier and his match with Jay Briscoe tonight. Luscious again ribs Xavier about losing to the Jay Driller last month. Xavier cuts a dull promo about how great he is and Joe is making annoyed faces in the background. Daniels then moves on to Joe and hypes up Prophecy vs. Ki, Cide & Doug later. Luscious again runs her mouth and tells Joe not to shake hands this time. Daniels tries to shut her up. Joe gets in Daniels face and says he was paid to do a job last month, which was beat up Low Ki, and he did. Tonight he’s being paid to do a job too. And while this little Prophecy thing is cool for Daniels and all, he doesn’t want Daniels to think for a second that he’s going to compromise his own integrity by not observing the Code of Honor. Joe leaves and a clearly frustrated Daniels yells to cut tape.

So the #1 contenders trophy series begins now with a gauntlet match. The winner will then have to defend it later tonight. The trophy will work like a belt where the holder will have to defend the trophy until he gets his title shot or loses the trophy.

Match #2: Bryan Danielson vs. CM Punk vs. Amazing Red vs. Michael Shane vs. Paul London [#1 Contd’rs Trophy Gauntlet Match]
Match starts with Punk/Shane. Gabe says on commentary that the reason Punk is in this as his first match is because his reputation precedes him. Punk does some arm work and mostly controls the match. Shane continues to be an above average shithead. Shane misses the diving elbow drop and Punk hits a solid shining wizard to almost win. Punk rolls Shane up after a counter exchange but Shane reverses the roll up and holds on to the ropes to get the 3. Punk is pissed but shakes Shane’s hand and Shane laughs.

London is out next. Punk stops him in the aisle and gives him advice. Shane jumps London immediately and beats the hell out of him, getting cockier by the moment. London sells a gut buster like death and the ref checks on him. Shane goes over — but LONDON WAS PLAYING POSSUM IN REVENGE AND HE GETS SHANE WITH A SPIKE DDT AND A ROLL UP TO WIN! Beautiful.

Shane won’t shake London’s hand because he says it was too cheap of a win which is commitment to the bit. The crowd is really hot against Shane. Shane goes to leave, BUT TOMMY DREAMER COMES OUT TO STOP HIM!

Dreamer forces Shane back in the ring and grabs a mic. The crowd chants ECW and Tommy’s name for a little while. Tommy is in incredible shape here. Good for him. He’s selling a jaw injury from a match Monday night where Regal punched him. I love it. He says he was in the back watching and there wasn’t a chance in Hell he was going to let Shane walk out of here without shaking London’s hand. Because for 8 years, he (Tommy) was in this town as part of something special.  Why is that a reason for Shane not to shake London’s hand? He starts to weep and the crowd chants for Tommy. He thanks the fans One fan chants “Please don’t go” and Tommy says he wishes he didn’t have to but he has to be “down the street” for a house show in an hour. The crowd boo’s WWE, but Dreamer stops them and says “No, don’t boo, it’s okay, because nowadays when I work in Philadelphia I actually get a paycheck”. And the crowd eats that up because we’re all mutants in this city.

But he gets back to his main point in basically saying ROH is the new ECW and he doesn’t want to see Shane or anyone take that for granted so he needs to respect the code of honor. He also randomly says that essentially “probably in the next few years WWE is going to take notice of this place and clear out its locker room like it did to ECW” which okay, A.) not fully the truth but I also don’t know if Paul E & ECW being on the WWF payroll was public knowledge yet and B.) He’s right on the money with that happening (although ROH had far more depth than ECW ever did) but like…why say it? Anywho, this incredibly long segment, IN THE MIDDLE OF A MATCH MIND YOU, comes to an end when Tommy makes Shane shake London’s hand. But Shane then immediately pulls London in for a lariat. Dreamer then plants Shane with a DDT and poses before helping London up and shaking his hand. Alright, can someone get Nommy’s ass out of here now? Tommy says he’s not leaving til the music guy plays HIS music because he hasn’t heard it in so long. So they acquiesce and play Man in the Box and Dreamer takes another victory lap and again, this is all happening in the MIDDLE of a match. I keep looking up from typing this to see if Tommy’s left yet and nope he’s still here. Okay NOW he’s gone and Amazing Red is out next to face London.

Red tries to make this a sprint to tire London out and it works mostly. Red hits a Frankensteiner but dizzies himself up. London takes advantage and hits the Rydeen Bomb and SSP in quick succession to get the win.

Bryan Danielson is out last to face London and it’s his first match back in ROH since his Japan trip. He’s ditched the white gear for the blue trunks and black and white boots. They go for ten minutes and it’s great. Danielson’s working a little heelish here but not fully committing. Essentially like what he’s doing in AEW currently. London has some great last gasp spots here but ultimately Danielson ends it with the Cattle Mutilation.

I’m not going to rate each match one by one simply because I don’t care to. Die.

So later on tonight Danielson will face AJ in the finals. What kind of weird ass set up was this? So dumb. Gabe overthinks the simplest set ups just to appear to be smarter than everyone.

This next match is a six man tag but it’s for the tag team titles simply because that’s how the Prophecy decried it. Gabe adds that this was Daniels loophole since ROH only wanted to give them a trophy instead of belts. Gabe says they’ll be working the Freebird rule moving forward and I guess that’s to acquiesce everyone’s Japan commitments.

Match #3: The Prophecy [Daniels, Koe & Morgan] (c) vs. Low Ki, Homicide & Doug Williams [ROH Tag Team Championships]
Gabe randomly notes at the start of this match that Chris Daniels is Curry Man over in Japan and god damn him for that. The match was great! A lot of different stories happening at once but nothings being rushed. ROH does this great thing where babyfaces don’t always fall for the typical tag team match traps heels set that usually result in the ref being distracted but by the babyfaces not falling for it it allows for the Prophecy to cheat the system more by taking the babyfaces to the floor and working them over and it gets to the point where all six men start to brawl. I love that. Homicide gets a chance to really shine in this match at points, sort of a way to prove he belongs with these 5 who ROH have touted so highly. Remember that tweet that went viral during the NFL playoffs, “Pacheco run like he bite people”? Well, Homicide wrestles like he bite people. Just does randomly insane shit that WORKS for him and probably wouldn’t for anyone else. Like he does a super Ace Crusher off the top rope in transition to a 2 count mid match. Fantastic. These six continue to break down and do the, what is nowadays overdone, spot of each man getting a chance to dive on to everyone. Morgan does a shitty top rope splash. Daniels does an Arabian Moonsault, and then a really fun sequence happens:

And the crowd is hot for Joe, wanting him to dive!

HELL YEAH. The match rolls on and continues to break down into a brawl at times. This is the first match of its kind in ROH where they really start to get kind of lackadaisical about the tagging in and out but I’m willing to let it slide because the match whips ass. Match feels like it’s building to Ki/Daniels and we get that but in reality it was just priming us for JOE/HOMICIDE BABY. They have one helluva exchange with strikes and Homicide throwing lariats.

And then Joe reverses the Cop Killa into a FANTASTIC heads up sequence here.

And Homicide passes out! Prophecy retains.

Post-match, The Prophecy celebrates and Daniels really kisses Joe’s ass and you can tell he thinks Joe is now firmly with the Prophecy. But the Prophecy leave and Joe stays in the ring. Daniels turns to notice this. Joe actually checks on Homicide and then shakes hands with him and Ki. Williams can’t shake hands so they sort of nod. Daniels yells at Joe on the way to the back but Joe brushes him off. Back in the ring, Ki tries to shake Williams hand but Williams can’t shake so he hugs Ki and Homicide.

Match #4: Allison Danger vs. Alexis Laree
Gabe is really creepy on commentary for this. The match is whatever. They weren’t really given much to work with. The basic story is that Danger is attracted to Laree and that pisses Laree off. The funny thing is they work a couple of spots that Mickie would later use (much better) with Trish. A couple of VAGUELY LESBIAN spots later and Alexis plants Danger with the DDT to win.

Post-match, the code of honor is observed but when Laree turns around, Mace of the CSC gang DECKS her with a decent right hand. He then picks her up and hits a pretty decent exploder suplex. I know it’s a small sample size but don’t tell me the CSC gang are decent wrestlers and they’ve been resorted to an extremely offensive stereotype gimmick?

Match #5: Carnage Crew vs. Dunn & Marcos [Bunkhouse Match]
So this is happening to both hype up Abby’s appearance in December but also because since Dunn & Marcos represent the Ring Crew and Carnage Crew have been attacking the Ring Crew since the beginning of ROH, they wanted revenge. Dumb but nice. This is a squash though. Carnage Crew don’t break a sweat and end it with the Spike Piledriver on one of the RCX guys. Short but effective.

GMC is in the ring and he puts over the history of wrestling in Philadelphia. He wants to bring out a guy who’s not just an alumni of Extreme Championship Wrestling but of EASTERN Championship Wrestling. He hasn’t been in Philadelphia since 1997, and he welcomes out JT SMITH! YEAH! Big pop for JT and they chant for him and you can just tell it means a lot to him. What a great moment. Special K come out high off their ass and mock JT and start pushing him around. So JT throws down and starts lighting Joey up with great punches. But the numbers game is too much. Dixie uses a shuffle board rake to beat JT down and that was very funny to me. Two unnamed wrestlers from the back that appear to be a tag team run out to chase Special K off. As they’re checking on JT, the large black man comes from the crowd again.

Somebody please tell me who this guy is. Because my brain is wanting to call him 411 since he’s got 911s gimmick but I need more info on him. He shakes JTs hand. JT then grabs the mic and tells Special K this ain’t over. GIVE ME JT/JOEY NEXT MONTH GABE.

Match #6: Xavier (c) vs. Jay Briscoe [ROH Championship]
Disappointing but not surprising. Seems like it will be the theme with Xavier’s title run moving forward. They work some stuff on the mat to try and elevate to something bigger but it never really connects because Xavier stinks, man. He works to avoid anything that could lead to a Jay Driller. Luscious slides a chair in at one point and the ref gets rid of it. This distraction allows her to crotch Jay on the top rope and Xavier hits the Super X Breaker to win and retain. Jay got color for this and I get it but it feels so wasted.

Before the next match, Gabe tells us that ROH is back one week from tonight in their return to Wakefield, Mass. At that show, already signed, Daniels/Styles and Danielson/Williams in a 30 Min Iron Man Match (??? Why?) and one of those matches will indeed have the #1 contenders trophy on the line.



Match #7: AJ Styles vs. Bryan Danielson [#1 Contender’s Trophy]
This is always going to be fun but it’s a little extra special here. AJ’s in the midst of his first big push in TNA and he’s turned heel. Danielson, as we saw earlier, has come back from his NJPW tour more confident and working tighter. Adds a new layer to what these two can bring to the table. Dragon tries to keep it to the mat and work it to the arm. AJ knows he’s going to lose on that front so he goes right to the big stuff early with some high spots to wear Danielson down before taking him to the mat on his own terms. During this specific part, AJ’s striking is more snug and he busts Danielson’s eye open, I think from a superkick.

Danielson sells the cut incredibly well and AJ is sure to focus on that with his next few moves. But the cut almost acted like Popeye’s spinach for Danielson as he started making a comeback. Styles grounds him quick and puts him in a Muta Lock, and he’s really reaching back and grabbing on that cut. But Danielson is able to reach his arms back and lock in sort of an inverted Muta Lock, and look at this!

I’m gonna need Bryan to revisit that spot with one of the CMLL guys or maybe even Eddie Kingston soon, if that’s even possible. The ref calls a stalemate on the two holds which I’ve never seen before but LOVE. They both work back to their feet and they’re worse for the wear but have that second wind. They start exchanging big moves and near falls, including the moment AJ Styles brain began to melt and he became a flat-earther:

In a quick sequence, Dragon is able to lock in the Cattle Mutilation. Dragon’s vision is impaired and he’s beat the fuck up and exhausted and his grip slips on the hold! He quick recovers to turn this into a pinfall attempt but Styles is out at 2. Danielson goes up but Styles catches him and pulls him off. Danielson won’t let go of the ropes so Styles just REPEATEDLY starts smashing Danielson’s head into the turnbuckle until he’s concussed enough to loosen his grip. Styles plants him with a Powerbomb right on his fucking HEAD and gets the win! Incredible match, and the match of the year thus far.

Post-match, Gabe notes that AJ/Daniels next week will now be for the #1 contenders trophy. Whoever holds the #1 contenders trophy when ROH return to Philly for “Night of the Butcher” on 12/7 will be getting an ROH Title match against Xavier!

Styles helps a dazed Danielson up post match and they shake hands. The ref goes to award the trophy to Styles but Bryan snatches it away. Gabe notes that Bryan was the one to destroy the Prophecy’s tag team trophy. But he won’t destroy any trophy this time as he instead wants to be the one to hand it to Styles.

Danielson leaves slowly to the back and as soon as he comes through the curtain, Daniels, Xavier & Morgan attack him and beat him down. Daniels then orders them out to the ring where they bumrush Styles. Styles holds his own for a bit but numbers catch up. Jay Briscoe runs out to help and eventually so does Danielson, and the Prophecy bails.

Before the last match, someone by the name of Mr. Nakamura is in the back of the rec center and introduced to an applause. I assume he’s a Zero-One rep.

Gabe announces some more stuff. At Final Battle on 12/28, Amazing Red will battle Jody Fleisch for the first time ever. And for the first show of 2003, ROH will head to West Mifflin, PA which will see the ROH debut of Konnan “not doing any of his WCW trademarks but bringing glory back to the name of lucha libre” go fuck yourself. Both for that line and for thinking 2002-03 Konnan is capable of that. Or any era of Konnan for that matter.

This match it both sanctioned by Zero-One AND being taped for their “Samurai TV”.

Match #8: Low Ki & Steve Corino vs. Masato Tanaka & Shinjiro Ohtani
Given what I just said above it should not come to the shock of anyone that this was a mostly lopsided match. Not to say it was a squash, but the showcase effect definitely favored Ohtani and Tanaka. Nothing wrong with it. Corino does most of the stooging and gets absolutely lit the fuck up by Tanaka at one point. Would’ve loved to have seen that in the ECW brother. Corino gets the tag to Low Ki and Ki gets to shine here with some big spots and near falls. This eventually breaks down into all four men fighting. Corino gets his shit in with Ohtani and nails a couple of near falls as well. In the end, Corino gets planted with dueling Tornado DDTs. Ki & Corino try to regroup and do a double team but they fail leading to Ohtani hitting the Spiral Bomb on Corino for the win.

Post-match, Code of Honor is observed and everybody bows. Samoa Joe comes out to check on Corino and Ki and actually helps them to the back interestingly enough.

Backstage, Da Hit Squad are talking and behind them, Homicide is sharpening a fork on the wall of the building. Totally normal behavior. DHS ask what he’s doing. He says he can’t let what happened last month go with Corino and he’s going to go do something about it. He gets a head start but DHS follow him.

Homicide finds one of the locker rooms and busts in to find Luscious tending to Corino after his match. AND HOMICIDE STABS CORINO IN THE FUCKING EYE HELL YEAH DUDE!


Overall this was probably up there with Road to the Title as my favorite ROH show yet. Some good to great matches, things being kept hot angle wise, and cool appearances. Really lived up to the name of the show.

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